Who Benefits from Equine Assisted Services (EAS)?

Individuals of all ages, who may or may not have special challenges.

Many people think that we only provide equine assisted services to children. This is not true, though the majority of our participants are children, we welcome all individuals (both young and young at heart). We at StirrUp Hope TR, also truly believe that even if an individual does not have a diagnosis, that all of us can benefit from the therapeutic benefits of horseback riding.

Our riders range in age from 3 to 65! Each student is unique with their own challenges and their own “journey” and experiences. We have participants who have a variety of challenges, from dealing with loss, individuals with autism, anxiety, Down syndrome, multiple sclerosis, and everything in between. We accept all participants and work to find a good place for them to be with their peers. A “diagnosis” is not needed to participate in the therapeutic benefits that our horses have to offer.

Individuals with physical challenges find new freedom of mobility, strength, coordination, and balance as the gait of the horse is the same as ours. Those who struggle with cognitive and emotional challenges find self-confidence, worth and experience immediate appropriate feedback through EAS programs. Riders often feel a great sense of accomplishment as they are able to participate in a “level playing field” with their peers.

At SUHTR, we have witnessed many mighty miracles from our students. Some have developed language skills, and some have improved their walking skills. Many of our students are receiving better grades. Many are happy and calm while riding, which is something their parents enjoy witnessing. Others are working through grief and trauma and experiencing healing. Participants who at one point in their life were told, “You can’t”, are in fact discovering that “They CAN!”

Growth is witnessed in improved communication and social skills. Some of our students are working on language development, core strength, confidence, trust, manners, and other necessary life skills. Being able to control emotions while riding, and how to communicate better with their equine partner, can transfer into better ways to communicate with other humans!

Equine Assisted Services are not limited to riding. Participants receive the “therapeutic” benefits and positive feedback from their equine partner. This includes on the ground activities as well.

Please feel free to contact Morgan Matteson if you have further questions that you would like to discuss.